Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Difference Flat Black Paint Black Primer I Want A Flat Black Paint Job On My Car?

I want a flat black paint job on my car? - difference flat black paint black primer

Is there a difference between using only the first is a true black or matte black paint, they look better .... and if a picture if I put a black primer on before them?


Pilsner Man said...

Since it like shit to do anyway in a matte-black surface, perhaps a dozen small Krylon aerosol.

Rudy H said...

There are half a liter, but can be used as bait, the final finish. You need to use primer, however, perhaps in a different color, such as oxide first. Lamborghini is now flat cars painted in different colors, not powrder by mixing powder. Is not it great?

45 auto said...

The first floor is a disaster> How is it easy to scratch and cover as with color> Set a Paint> Primer in different colors for different>

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